About Journey Through Meditation

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Journey Through Meditation began with an idea— to make corporations happier, healthier, and more productive places where people can thrive.

We decided that meditation and mindfulness trainings were the prefect way to do so, and we facilitate these events on site and via zoom.

We believe in creating environments of openness and inclusion. That means helping groups embrace different points of view and fostering a safe and comfortable space for people of all different spiritual, as well as non-religious, backgrounds. 

Hiring one of our professional meditation facilitators can be essential to the success of a meditation program at your workplace. We provide instruction, guide employees through meditations, and answer questions that arise. 

We feel that what we offer is only the beginning of a revolution that has just started to sweep the modern workforce. 

CEOs are recognizing that meditation lends itself not only to employees with greater wellbeing, but to ones who are more engaged in their work, more likely to stick around for the long term, and more able to support the company’s bottom line.